Running Around Naked

Invite Jelaine Lombardi to Your Book Club!

If you are a reader or someone who runs a book club, consider inviting Jelaine to join your discussions. Engage in lively conversations about her beautifully written and humorously candid narrative, as well as the experiences of growing up in a nudist camp.

Jelaine Lombardi welcomes the opportunity to be a guest speaker at your book club meetings or participate in author Q&A sessions. Explore the behind-the-scenes stories, the writing process, and the inspirations that shaped this unforgettable coming-of-age tale.

To arrange a guest appearance or inquire about author Q&A sessions, please contact Jelaine at

Sample Book Club Questions

  • What is the story’s central conflict—character vs. character…vs. society…or vs. nature (external)? Or an emotional struggle within the character (internal)? How does the conflict create tension?
  • Do any characters change or grow by the end of the story? Do they come to view the world and their relationship to it differently?
  • Share your favorite quote(s) and why you felt it was noteworthy.
  • Would you be compelled to keep reading if this were not a book club assignment?
  • What did you think of the book’s length?
  • Were there any surprises? Were they effective?
  • What were the major strengths and weaknesses of the book?
  • Did you feel this memoir promoted or discouraged the nudist way of life?
  • Do you find the narrator(s) and other characters likable? Believable?
    Of all the people described in the book, who did you most relate to or empathize with, and why?
  • Were there any inconsistencies that bothered you?
  • What gaps do you wish the author had filled in? Were there points where you thought she shared too much?
  • Is the ending a surprise or predictable? Does the end unfold naturally? Or is it forced, heavy-handed, or manipulative? Is the ending satisfying, or would you prefer a different ending
  • Finally, what did you take away from the book? What themes or ideas resonated with you, and how has the book impacted your understanding of memoir as a genre? Nudism?


If you have any questions, comments, or would simply like to get in touch, I would love to hear from you. Your thoughts about my books are always welcome. Feel free to reach out using the form below or through the provided contact information. I appreciate your connection and look forward to hearing from you!

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